Maltese Trivia & Fun Facts

“HypoAllergenic”-Hypoallergenic pets still produce allergens, but because of their coat type, absence of fur, or absence of a gene that produces a certain protein, they typically produce fewer allergens than others of the same species. People with severe allergies and asthma may still be affected by a hypoallergenic pet. Are Maltese considered “HypoAllergenic”? YES!!

A Look Back…

The Maltese was once known as “Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta”, for that is where they were first recognized and how they received their name. The breed has been an aristocrat of the canine world for over 28 centuries, owned by royalty all over the globe. Even as far back as the 1500’s they were claimed to be sold for $2000. And while other companion dogs such as the Pomeranian have been bred down from larger sizes, the first Maltese were the same size as they are today.

Prior to March 10, 1964, The AKC standards read, “Three pounds or under” as the standard size for this breed. Today and for the past 50+ years, it is “Under 7 lbs., with from 4-6 lbs. being preferred” and the AKC belief that “Overall quality is to be favored over size”.

The first known representation of a Maltese dog is dated 600-300 B.C. It was unearthed in Fayum, Egypt near Cairo. The Maltese was worshiped by ancient Egyptians.

In 264 B.C., Calimachus was the first writer to make note of the use of Maltese for medicinal purposes. The Maltese dog was laid upon the stomach or chest of the afflicted in order to ease the pain.

In 23 A.D., Pliny the Elder described the Maltese dog as having color other than white. He allowed that the Maltese could also be black and white. In ancient museum paintings and other are, the dogs are depicted with other colors. Today, however, the standard calls for pure white with cream or lemon being allowable.

Mary Queen of Scots kept Maltese, which she imported from France. She was beheaded in 1587 and when she went to the block, her Maltese went with her, hidden in her skirt. The little dog is said to have grieved the loss of its Mistress so much that it died of a broken heart.

The earliest known Maltese on record in the United States was born in 1873. He was entered in Westminster in 1879 and was the first colored Maltese shown here. He was entered as a “Maltese Skye Terrier” and was described as ‘white with black ears’. The first white Maltese exhibited was entered in the first Westminster show in 1877 as a ‘Maltese Lion Dog’.

The first Maltese to be registered in American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1888 were two bitches named, “Snips” and “Topsy”.

“Crackering” your Maltese was the previous term used for “wrapping” the dog. Maltese show exhibitors ‘wrap’ their dogs coat in wax, rice or plactic wrappers to protect their coat.

Maltese Information & Trivia courtesy of the book, “The Complete Maltese” by Nicholas Cutillo. Thank you for such a well written and informative book!

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